Things To Know Before Getting Non-Electric Water Purifier

cropped-pureit-banner.jpgWith the environment changing rapidly there has been a lot of debate on the optimal use of electricity. We can also say that electricity consumption can be a thing of the past in a couple of years. Now, this really questions the usage of electric water purifiers and the difference between electric and non-electric purifiers. Is it a better idea to use a non-electric water purifier? Let us look at some of the reasons that determine their pros and cons. Non-electric water purifiers are often underestimated because of the fact that they are not powerful enough or the filtering mechanism is not good enough. But, understand that even these purifiers can be very effective. Read up more on this to understand how they work and if they are a better choice. Most of the non-electric water purifiers use gravity as their base for cleaning the water. Three steps in which these water purifiers work are elaborated below:

  1. The upper section of the tank has the mesh or pre-filter that allows the water to pass through and collects large particles of dust, sand, and more.
  2. The second part contains the activated carbon filter that absorbs the more minute particles from the water. It also helps in reducing the odor and eradicates the water of parasites.
  3. The last is the post-carbon filter that just provides us with one more layer of purification before consumption.

This is the basis of these filters work. They do not need an external force to pull out the various particles found in water, instead gravity plays a big role. It attracts all the impurities. Activated carbon is highly recommended in filters even otherwise and the non-electric ones work on it entirely. Though it is true that electric purifiers like RO water purifier filter is more powerful and, therefore preferred.

The second important thing to consider before buying water purifiers is their storage capacity. These purifiers come with a good storage capacity that ensures you get good and clean water at all times. Third, these filters need a little extra maintenance as compared to the others.

These are the important things you need to keep in mind while buying a non-electric water purifier. There is no harm in buying them as they also do the job well. Pureit is a company in India where you can find these water purifiers if you do not where to buy one. They are trusted and have great quality products.

Published by waterpurifierpureit

Pureit, one of the best water purifiers in India, offers superior range of RO water purifier . Its best in class RO technology purifies water and enriches with essential minerals. Book a free home visit today.

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